200+ Funny Bagel Puns & Jokes (Latest 2024)

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Bagel Puns

One liner puns

Welcome, pun lovers and bagel enthusiasts! Are you ready to spread some joy like a schmear of cream cheese on a warm, fresh bagel? Get ready to roll with laughter as we dive into a delightful collection of bagel puns that are sure to leave you feeling hole-y satisfied. From clever wordplay to dough-lightful double meanings, this assortment is baked to perfection just for you. So, grab your favorite bagel and get ready to enjoy some seriously funny puns!

Bagel Palindrome Puns

⭐ Bagel age, bagel gab.

⭐ Bagel nab a bagel.

⭐ Was it a bagel I saw?

⭐ A bagel’s leg a bag.

⭐ Eva can bagel leg a bag can Eva.

⭐ Mr. Owl ate my bagel – leg ab my eta owl r. M.

⭐ A Santa bagel’s leg a bag at NASA.

⭐ Yo, Bob, bagel leg a bag, Bob, yo!

⭐ No lemon, no melon bagel – leg ab no lemon no lemon.

⭐ Bagel not a ton leg a bag.

⭐ Leg a bagel, gab a bagel.

⭐ A man, a plan, a bagel, a canal, Panama!

⭐ Leg ab a bagel saga – gas leg a bag ab leg a.

⭐ Eva, bag a leg, leg a bag ave.

⭐ Do geese bagel? Bagel geese do!

⭐ A Toyota bagel’s leg a bag at OYOT. A

⭐ Bagel gab, gab, gab, leg a bag.

⭐ Yo, go, doge bagel, leg a bag, go, yo!

⭐ Borrow or rob bagel? Leg a bag or rob, or row.

⭐ Live not on evil bagel – leg ab no evil, not live.

Bagel Knock-Knock Puns

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Bagel. Bagel who? Bagel-lieve it or not, I’m here to make you laugh!

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Cream. Cream who? Cream cheese on a bagel, please!

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Dough. Dough who? Doughn’t you know? It’s bagel time!

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Everything. Everything who? Everything bagel, and I’m here for the party!

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Hole. Hole who? Hole-y moly, it’s a bagel joke!

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Plain. Plain who? Plain bagel, but my jokes are anything but plain!

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Toasted. Toasted who? Toasted bagel, because I’m on fire!

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Sesame. Sesame who? Sesame bagel, open up to some laughter!

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Blueberry. Blueberry who? Blueberry bagel, I’m here to brighten your day!

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Cinnamon. Cinnamon who? Cinnamon raisin, it’s time for some fun!

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Bagel. Bagel who? Bagel-ly speaking, I’ve got more puns!

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Deli. Deli who? Deli-cious bagel puns coming your way!

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Jelly. Jelly who? Jelly-filled bagel, let’s spread some joy!

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Honey. Honey who? Honey, I shrunk the bagel!

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Peanut. Peanut who? Peanut butter on a bagel, please!

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Smoked. Smoked who? Smoked salmon and bagel, a match made in heaven!

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Bagel. Bagel who? Bagel-ever me, these jokes are great!

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Rolling. Rolling who? Rolling with the bagel puns all day!

⭐ Knock, knock. Who’s there? Cheddar. Cheddar who? Cheddar believe it, bagels are the best!

Bagel Charades Puns

⭐ Act out: Rolling a bagel across the table. Interpretation: Rolling with laughter at bagel jokes!

⭐ Act out: Spreading cream cheese on a bagel. Interpretation: Spreading joy with bagel puns!

⭐ Act out: Tossing a bagel like a frisbee. Interpretation: Bagel puns flying high!

⭐ Act out: Pretending to be a bagel shop cashier. Interpretation: Ringing up laughs with bagel humor!

⭐ Act out: Eating a bagel with exaggerated delight. Interpretation: Enjoying the flavor of these puns!

⭐ Act out: Pretending to toast a bagel. Interpretation: Warming up to some bagel fun!

⭐ Act out: Juggling bagels. Interpretation: Keeping the laughs in the air!

⭐ Act out: Giving a bagel to a friend. Interpretation: Sharing the joy of bagel puns!

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⭐ Act out: Pretending to be a bagel delivery person. Interpretation: Delivering smiles with every pun!

⭐ Act out: Wrapping a bagel as a gift. Interpretation: Bagels are presents that keep on giving!

⭐ Act out: Holding a bagel up like a monocle. Interpretation: Keeping an eye on the best puns!

⭐ Act out: Pretending to spread butter on a bagel. Interpretation: Buttering up the audience with humor!

⭐ Act out: Drawing a smiley face on a bagel. Interpretation: Bagel puns make everyone smile!

⭐ Act out: Balancing a bagel on your head. Interpretation: Bagels are the crown jewels of puns!

⭐ Act out: Pretending to sell bagels at a stand. Interpretation: Bringing the best puns to the market!

⭐ Act out: Cutting a bagel in half. Interpretation: Splitting sides with laughter!

⭐ Act out: Toasting two bagels like clinking glasses. Interpretation: Cheers to great bagel puns!

⭐ Act out: Pretending to eat a bagel in slow motion. Interpretation: Savoring every pun!

⭐ Act out: Drawing a bagel on an invisible canvas. Interpretation: Painting a picture of humor!

Bagel Name Puns

⭐ Bagelina Jolie – The bagel that’s always a star.

⭐ Bagel Washington – Leading the revolution of tasty puns.

⭐ Bagel L. Jackson – The most expressive bagel in town.

⭐ Bagel Freeman – Narrating your breakfast with style.

⭐ Bagel Swift – These puns never go out of style.

⭐ Bagel Winfrey – You get a bagel, and you get a bagel!

⭐ Bagel Hanks – A pun is like a box of bagels, you never know what you’re gonna get.

⭐ Bagel DiCaprio – This bagel pun deserves an Oscar.

⭐ Bagel Monroe – Bagels are a pun’s best friend.

⭐ Bagel de Niro – Are you talking to me? Yes, with bagel puns!

⭐ Bagel Pitt – The Fight Club of breakfast foods.

⭐ Bagel Streep – The most versatile bagel pun.

⭐ Bagel Clooney – Smooth, charming, and always in style.

⭐ Bagel Damon – How do you like them bagels?

⭐ Bagel Hemsworth – Thor’s favorite breakfast.

⭐ Bagel Johansson – The Black Widow of puns.

⭐ Bagel Evans – Captain America’s breakfast of choice.

⭐ Bagel Lawrence – Ever-hungry for more puns.

⭐ Bagel Gadot – Wonder Woman loves her bagels.

⭐ Bagel Reynolds – Deadpool’s weapon of choice.

Bagel Backronyms

⭐ B.A.G.E.L. – Breakfast’s Amazing, Great Edible Love.

⭐ C.H.E.E.S.E. – Creamy, Heavenly Edible Extra Special Enjoyment.

⭐ T.O.A.S.T. – Toasters Often Achieve Supreme Taste.

⭐ S.P.R.E.A.D. – Special Puns Readily Enjoyed At Dawn.

⭐ L.O.X. – Laughter Over eXpectations.

⭐ P.A.S.T.R.Y. – Perfect And Scrumptious Treats, Really Yummy.

⭐ B.R.U.N.C.H. – Bagels Regularly Unite Neighbors Creating Happiness.

⭐ B.R.E.A.D. – Bagels Ready Every Amazing Day.

⭐ D.O.U.G.H. – Delicious On Unusually Good Holidays.

⭐ C.O.F.F.E.E. – Creamy On Fluffy Food Equals Excellence.

⭐ S.A.L.M.O.N. – Superb And Luscious Morning Option, Naturally.

⭐ B.L.U.E.B.E.R.R.Y. – Bagels Light Up Every Breakfast Eagerly, Really Refreshing Yummy.

⭐ B.A.T.T.E.R. – Bagels Are Tasty Treats Every Riser.

⭐ C.I.N.N.A.M.O.N. – Cinnamon Is Naturally Nice And Magnificently Outstandingly Nutty.

⭐ E.G.G.S. – Excellent Goodness Gets Savored.

⭐ M.O.R.N.I.N.G. – My Outstandingly Rich Nutritious Ideal Nourishing Goodie.

⭐ B.R.E.A.K.F.A.S.T. – Bagels Really Enhance All Kind Feelings And Satisfy Tastebuds.

⭐ M.I.R.A.C.L.E. – Morning Inspiration Really Activates Creative Laughing Energy.

⭐ S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y. – Sharing A Tasty Unique Really Delightful And Yummy.

Bagel Anti-Puns

⭐ What’s a bagel’s favorite exercise? Running in circles.

⭐ Why did the bagel go to school? To get a little breadycation.

⭐ What did the bagel say to the cream cheese? “You spread joy.”

⭐ How does a bagel introduce itself? “Nice to eat you!”

⭐ What’s a bagel’s favorite sport? Rolling.

⭐ Why did the bagel visit the doctor? It was feeling crummy.

⭐ What’s a bagel’s favorite type of movie? A dough-mentary.

⭐ How does a bagel apologize? It says, “I’m sorry if I buttered you the wrong way.”

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⭐ What do you call a bagel that can fly? A plain bagel.

⭐ What’s a bagel’s favorite music? Rolls and rock.

⭐ How does a bagel express love? “You’re my everything.”

⭐ Why did the bagel break up with the donut? It couldn’t handle the holes.

⭐ What’s a bagel’s favorite dance? The twist.

⭐ How does a bagel keep in shape? It works out with a breadmill.

⭐ What’s a bagel’s favorite book? “The Bagel’s Guide to the Galaxy.”

⭐ What’s a bagel’s favorite dessert? Everything cake.

⭐ Why did the bagel get promoted? It was on a roll.

⭐ How does a bagel stay cool? It chills with some cream cheese.

⭐ What’s a bagel’s favorite instrument? The baguette-tar.

⭐ Why do bagels never get lost? They follow the breadcrumbs.

Bagel Cryptic Puns

⭐ What do you call a bagel that’s gone bad? A: Stale-mate.

⭐ Why do bagels make great spies? A: They always roll with it.

⭐ How do you know a bagel is telling a joke? A: It always has a twist.

⭐ Why did the bagel go to art school? A: It wanted to be a roll model.

⭐ How do bagels stay organized? A: They keep everything in a lox box.

⭐ Why don’t bagels get sunburned? A: They use cream cheese sunscreen.

⭐ What’s a bagel’s favorite game? A: Anything that’s knot too hard.

⭐ Why did the bagel get detention? A: For rolling in late.

⭐ How do you comfort a sad bagel? A: You tell it “Don’t get too toasted.”

⭐ Why did the bagel start a podcast? A: It wanted to spread the word.

⭐ What’s a bagel’s favorite flower? A: A poppy.

⭐ Why do bagels never argue? A: They’re always in a jam.

⭐ How do bagels navigate? A: They follow the bread crumbs.

⭐ Why did the bagel go to the beach? A: To catch some bread.

⭐ What do you call a fancy bagel? A: The upper crust.

⭐ Why don’t bagels like secrets? A: They prefer to be open-faced.

⭐ How does a bagel write a letter? A: With a bread pen.

⭐ Why do bagels make good musicians? A: They know the right dough.

⭐ What do you call a bagel in a band? A: A roll player.

⭐ Why did the bagel cross the road? A: To get to the other spread.

Bagel Pun Chains

⭐ A bagel walks into a bar. The bartender says, “Why the long face?” The bagel replies, “I’m feeling a little crumby.”

⭐ A bagel and a muffin walk into a bar. The bartender says, “We don’t serve breakfast here.” The bagel says, “No problem, we’re just here to raise some dough.”

⭐ Two bagels are walking down the street. One says, “You look toasted.” The other replies, “Thanks, I just came out of the oven.”

⭐ A bagel joins a rock band. They ask, “What instrument do you play?” The bagel replies, “I’m on a roll.”

⭐ Why did the bagel get promoted? It was on a roll, spreading positivity.

⭐ A bagel and a donut walk into a bar. The bartender says, “What’s the occasion?” The bagel replies, “We’re celebrating being well-rounded.”

⭐ Why don’t bagels make good detectives? They always get caught up in a jam.

⭐ A bagel starts a blog. It’s called “The Daily Bread.”

⭐ Why did the bagel go to the doctor? It wasn’t feeling dough-licious.

⭐ A bagel and a croissant walk into a café. The barista says, “What can I get you?” The bagel replies, “Just a latte love.”

⭐ Why did the berry sit on the bagel? To become a jam-packed breakfast!

⭐ A bagel and a slice of bread are competing. The bread says, “You can’t beat me.” The bagel replies, “We’ll see, I’m on a roll.”

⭐ Why did the bagel take a nap? It was feeling a bit kneady.

⭐ A bagel joins a comedy club. Its first joke? “Why don’t bagels ever get lost? They follow the bread crumbs.”

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⭐ Why did the bagel go to school? To get a little more breaducated.

⭐ A bagel and a pizza walk into a bar. The bartender asks, “What’s the story?” The bagel says, “Just here to have a dough-lightful time.”

⭐ Why did the bagel get detention? For rolling in late.

⭐ A bagel starts a YouTube channel. Its first video? “How to get a rise out of your dough.”

⭐ Why did the bagel open a bakery? It wanted to spread the joy of fresh-baked goods.

⭐ A bagel and a scone are having a debate. The scone says, “You’re so plain.” The bagel replies, “I’m everything you’re not.”

Bagel Meta Puns

⭐ What do you call a bagel that makes jokes about itself? A: A meta-bagel.

⭐ Why did the bagel join a philosophy class? A: To understand the doughs and don’ts of life.

⭐ How do bagels reflect on their existence? A: They ponder the circle of life.

⭐ What do bagels think about at night? A: Their roll in the universe.

⭐ Why do bagels always seem content? A: They understand they’re part of a bigger breadscape.

⭐ What do you call a bagel that’s aware of its own humor? A: A self-aware dough.

⭐ How does a bagel describe its comedy style? A: Well-rounded.

⭐ Why did the bagel meditate? A: To achieve inner yeast.

⭐ What do bagels read for self-improvement? A: “The Art of Dough-ness.”

⭐ Why did the bagel go on a journey of self-discovery? A: To find its true flour.

⭐ How do bagels stay humble? A: They remember they’re just dough with a hole.

⭐ Why do bagels appreciate mindfulness? A: Because they live in the yeast moment.

⭐ What’s a bagel’s favorite existential question? A: “To toast or not to toast?”

⭐ Why do bagels avoid drama? A: They prefer to keep things low-carb.

⭐ How do bagels find purpose? A: By fulfilling their dough-ties.

⭐ What do bagels do in their spare time? A: Reflect on their rise to greatness.

⭐ Why are bagels so good at puns? A: They’re naturally punny.

⭐ What do bagels call their life story? A: “The Chronicles of Crust.”

⭐ Why do bagels enjoy philosophy? A: They like to think about the meaning of loaf.

⭐ How do bagels achieve zen? A: By rolling with the flow.

⭐ Why do bagels make good teachers? A: They know how to spread knowledge.

⭐ What’s a bagel’s advice for a happy life? A: Stay fresh and always rise to the occasion.

Bagel Anagram Puns

⭐ Globe – This bagel travels the world.

⭐ Belga – A Belgian bagel is a sweet treat.

⭐ Gab El – A bagel that loves to talk.

⭐ Bagle – The classic misspelled bagel.

⭐ Gable – The bagel of the silver screen.

⭐ Al Beg – A bagel that’s always asking for more.

⭐ Lag Be – When your bagel is a bit behind.

⭐ El Gab – A chatty bagel.

⭐ Gelab – The bagel that’s a bit wobbly.

⭐ Beg Al – A bagel that’s always asking for something.

⭐ Be Lag – A bagel that’s running late.

⭐ Gab El – The talkative bagel.

⭐ Gel Ba – The jelly-filled bagel.

⭐ Bag El – The bagel that’s always giving.

⭐ Lab Ge – The scientific bagel.

⭐ Leg Ba – The bagel that likes to stretch.

⭐ Beg La – The dramatic bagel.

⭐ Gab Le – The gossiping bagel.

⭐ Be Gal – The friendly bagel.

⭐ El Bag – The ultimate bagel.


  • Welcome to newspuns, your ultimate destination for a daily dose of laughter! This site is lovingly crafted by me, Akarsh Naik, a self-proclaimed pun aficionado and joke enthusiast. My mission is simple: to bring a smile to your face with clever Puns wordplay and original humor.

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